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COM add-in not present in Excel
Posted by Syed Qutubuddin, Last modified by z-Ahmed Kaize on 06 August 2019 03:47 PM

COM add-in not present in Excel

Note: Typical registry path for the COM add-in registry entries is the following: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Excel\Addins\Infor Query and Analysis Add-in

Most common solutions

1) Ensure the following Microsoft components are installed

- Microsoft Primary Interop Assembly (PIA)
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office runtime, if using Office 2010

2) Users must have Administrator rights to load the add-in including permissions to create the registry entries. Up until version 10.1.1, you will also need to disable UAC. This is often the resolution when running Excel.exe as administrator displays the add-in, but not for a normal user, especially on Terminal Server or Citrix environments.

a) Temporarily give the user Administrator privileges, load the add-in via maintenance and remove admin rights.
b) Assign Full rights for the user to the ‘Query and Analysis’ installation folder, load the add-in via maintenance.

The alternative to giving the Terminal Service/Citrix user temporary administrator rights is

i) Give the user 'Full Control' permissions to their HKEY_USERS key. Example below:

ii) Run the ExcelAddinRemoveAdd.exe when connected with the user’s session to the terminal server and ticking the Excel add-in and clicking OK.

Example path of executable:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Infor\Query and Analysis\ExcelAddinRemoveAdd.exe

3) Ensure the old add-in (LsAgXLB.xla) is not present. If it is, remove with the following steps:

- Move the LsAgXLB.xla add-in from the Q&A installation folder to the desktop
- Remove the Q&A add-in from Excel
- Move the LsAgXLB.xla add-in file back into the Q&A installation folder
- Browse to ...Infor Query and Analysis>Maintenance>Configure Microsoft Office
- Tick the Excel option
- Click OK to successful message
- Exit maintenance

4) Run the following caspol command:

- Open a command prompt “Run as administrator”
- Change directory to:

<Windows folder>\Microsoft.Net\Framework\v2.0.50727
- Execute the command:
caspol –ag 1 –url “file://<Q&A installation folder>\Infor.QAA.Ribbon.dll” FullTrust
Note: do not copy and paste this command line.
Other possible solutions

5) Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 OR Microsoft 2013 Lync component has been installed.
Uninstalling and re-installing ‘Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office runtime’ resolves the issue and allows Visual Studio 2012 to also be used. (Un-installing and re-installing Visual Studio 2012 may also be required)

6) Ensure only one version of Microsoft Office is loaded on the machine.

7) If the add-in is marked as Active within Office 2010, but the Infor Q&A tab is not displayed, ensure the ‘Infor Q&A’ option is ticked within File -> Options -> Customize Ribbon.

8) The add-in may be disabled. If so, browse to Excel options -> Add-Ins and select Manage ‘Disabled Items’ and click GO. Enable the Infor Query and Analysis ribbon manifest add-in.

9) Sometimes an xm file [Excel.exe.config] is created / generated when installing Office. This XML file "locks" the .NET Framework Version to v1.1.4322 causing the add-in to fail. Renaming the 'Excel.exe.config' can resolve the problem.

10) Ensure the file path for user registry entries are pointing to the correct location for the Infor.QAA.Ribbon.dll.manifest file.

11) The Q&A certificate may have expired; ensure the Excel options are not using trusted locations.

12) Visual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO) 2005 components can become corrupt. Uninstall/re-install VSTO 2005, then re-install Q&A.

Re-installations have been occasionally used as solutions in some environments

13) a) One installation of Q&A 10.1.0 with Office 2010 done as administrator could not be resolved with the steps above. Un-Installing Q&A 10.1.0 and Installing Q&A 10.1.1 when logged in as the user (still with administrator rights) resolved the issue.

b) Select Custom installation during the re-installation and make sure the option to automatically load the Excel Add-in is enabled.

14) Uninstalling Office and Q&A before re-installing Office and Q&A in that order can be required to resolve the issue; after all previous steps have been completed.

15) AppSense can interfere with the Q&A add-in locations, e.g. loading partial profile paths. If using any tool such as AppSense, which includes policy and personalization management, please test with a non-assisted installation outside of the management software.

16) In Excel 2010, 32 bits and with Windows 8, somehow the COM add -in was recognized as a file type 98-2003 and it was blocked in Trust Center Settings, in File Block Settings. I unticked it from there, and removed the add in via Maintenance, closed it and added it again via Maintenance, opened excel and the add in was visible

17) In Excel 2013, where Lync 2013 is used, be sure to patch Lync to version 15.0.4569.1503 .

18) Check the GPO ( Group Policy ) , change the Office 2013 GPO setting to Automation Security Enabled , Use application macro security level.

19) Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Excel\Addins\Infor Query and Analysis Add-in : make sure load behavior is set to 3



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