Issue: The VBScript files MSSCRIPT.OCX and VBSCRIPT.DLL may have been unregistered! ZZZ is not valid type of Business Unit Solution is :
Please run the attached register entry.
if you are using Office 365 or Office 2016 and you don't get this issue you need to disable office updates immediately. if you already had you office updated and getting this error you can do the following for now. 1. Block MS Excel 365 Updates. For blocking updates open blank excel file & go to File --> Account and disable updates. 2. Open CMD run as administrator and execute the Step 3 Command. 3. cd C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft shared\ClickToRun >OfficeC2RClient.exe /update user updatetoversion=16.0.9330.2087
Issue: The VBScript files MSSCRIPT.OCX and VBSCRIPT.DLL may have been unregistered! ZZZ is not valid type of Business Unit Solution is : if you are using Office 365 or Office 2016 and you don't get this issue you need to disable office updates immediately. if you already had you office updated and getting this error you can do the following for now. 1. Block MS Excel 365 Updates. For blocking updates open blank excel file & go to File --> Account and disable updates. 2. Open CMD run as administrator and execute the Step 3 Command. 3. cd C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft shared\ClickToRun >OfficeC2RClient.exe /update user updatetoversion=16.0.9330.2087
Samer Ajlawi | Application Implementation & Support Consultant
Mobile : 00 966 500 541 902 | Phone :00966 12 6744856 Saudico Electronic Systems |
P.O Box 11046, El Rehab Dist. Jeddah • 21453 • KSA