Knowledgebase: Sun Systems
Account Allocation in progress
Posted by Syed Qutubuddin, Last modified by z-Ahmed Kaize on 06 August 2019 03:48 PM
How to clear Account Allocation in progress message.

To change the Account Allocation form to allow for the clearing of an Account Allocation in Progress message from within SunSystems rather than running SQL script at back end, please refer to below process:

1) In Forms Permissions Editor (FPE), check out Account Allocation function, select FULL for the "Forms for selected Function", check the box Open Form on check out then Check Out.

2) Add the relevant operator groups in the specified operator groups screen, then in the available actions screen, make sure that the following Actions are ENABLED:-
-Clear Allocation in Progress
-Balance override
-Override locked Account/Trans

3) Save all details and then check them back in

Please note, the form needs to be compiled on the server, so you can either do all the above on the server, or prior to opening any form ensure that "Perform Server Compile After Check In" is ticked in View >> Options >> Server tab.

All the above can be done in Forms Designer (FD) also. There is the extra step in that you would need to bring up the actions by going into View >> Form Actions once your form is checked out and open.

After the above steps, you will get the "Allocation in Progress on the Account. Retry?" message box. Select No and a message box stating "Allocation control ill be overidden? Yes/NO". Select Yes.

However, if this does not resolve the issue you will still need to log all users out of SunSystems and ask your SQL DBA to run the SQL script on the SunSystems database server.

To clear the flag of Allocation in Progress, you will need to log all users out of SunSystems and ask your SQL DBA to run the following script on the SunSystems database server. Before doing this, please make a full backup of your SQL database.

SELECT * FROM ZZZ_ACNT WHERE ALLOCN_IN_PROGRESS = '1' ( where ZZZ is your business unit code to identify which accounts have allocation in progress set as Yes)

UPDATE ZZZ_ACNT SET ALLOCN_IN_PROGRESS = '0' WHERE ALLOCN_IN_PROGRESS = '1' (again where ZZZ is your business unit code, this updates the allocation in progress to No)

SELECT * FROM ZZZ_A_SALFLDG WHERE ALLOC_IN_PROGRESS = 'Y' (To narrow down the selection you may wish to select by journal number. If this is the case add the following to the above script:

AND JRNAL_NO = 'enter journal no.'

This script finds the transaction with allocation in progress flag. You then use this script to remove the flag:
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